对速度的需求在航空业当然是存在的, as manufacturers continue to push the boundaries of modern engineering with aircraft that even break the speed of sound. 以下是我们对世界上最快的私人飞机的汇总.


在私人飞机市场上,对速度的需求无疑是活跃的. 随着人们对更快的飞机和更大的客舱的需求不断增长, manufacturers continue to push the boundaries of modern engineering with jets that even break the speed of sound.

空速通常用马赫来测量, 音速为1马赫(约每小时761英里). 大多数商用飞机的巡航速度在0马赫左右.75, but private jets regularly exceed these speeds in their bid to become the fastest passenger aircraft in the skies. 以下是我们对世界上最快的私人飞机的汇总.


1. 庞巴迪环球8000 - 0马赫.94(721英里/小时)

Set to be delivered in 2025, the Global 8000 is the world’s fastest business jet. 它突破了音障,达到了1马赫.015 during testing 和 became the first plane to go supersonic using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). 对于商业用途,它的最高速度是0马赫.94,典型的巡航速度约为0马赫.85. 庞巴迪还声称,该公司拥有业界领先的8英里航程,000海里和无与伦比的短场性能.

内部, 四个座位区最多可容纳19名乘客, one of which can be configured as a private stateroom with a lie-flat double bed. 的re’s a sizable galley at the front of the aircraft along with a lavatory for staff, while a separate enclosed lavatory at the rear of the cabin leads to the baggage compartment.


2. 塞斯纳奖状X和X+ - 0马赫.935(717英里/小时)

根据塞斯纳公司的说法 引用X 引用X + 能达到0马赫的速度吗.935. 虽然他们的标准巡航速度略低, these super-midsize jets can still fly from LA to New York in around four hours, cutting about an hour off the same journey in a more conventional private jet.

的 引用X + launched in 2014 with improved seating 和 an all-new avionics suite. It can seat nine people, with a three-seat divan in the rear section of the two-zone cabin. 的re’s a large galley for preparing hot 和 cold meals 和 an enclosed lavatory at the aft of the cabin. 

了解更多 租一架塞斯纳引用X或X+.

3. 湾流G700 - 0马赫.925(710英里/小时)

湾流G700于2022年宣布,达到了0马赫的速度.测试期间为99马赫,但官方最大运行马赫数为0.925,典型的远程巡航速度为0马赫.85. 其最大范围为7,500 nautical miles connects cities like London 和 新加坡 or Los Angeles 和 Tokyo.

的 luxurious cabin is typically laid out for up to 13 passengers across four zones 和 features a dedicated stateroom in the rear like the Global 8000.
预定下一个租船 在湾流私人飞机上.

4. 湾流G650和G650ER - 0马赫.925(710英里/小时)

达到与后继者相似的速度, the Gulfstream G650 和 G650ER are renowned for completing long-distance flights quickly 和 efficiently – in fact, 据湾流公司称, the latter holds the record for the farthest fastest flight in business aviation history. 两架飞机都能以0马赫的速度巡航.90(典型0).85) 和 complete long-haul flights such as New York to Dubai 和 London to Cape Town.

以舒适和高效为设计理念, 内部可容纳13或16名乘客, with a dedicated crew compartment for ultimate privacy in the former layout 和 an extra living area for passengers in the latter. Both configurations have a forward galley 和 a forward 和 aft enclosed lavatory.

了解更多 关于租一架湾流G650或G650ER.

5. 庞巴迪环球7500 - 0马赫.925(710英里/小时)

Beginning deliveries in 2018, the Global 7500 is still one of the quickest private jets on Earth. 能达到0马赫的速度.9点25分,直飞7点,700海里, 这个豪华的庞然大物几乎可以完成任何长途包机. 

内部, the 7500 is typically configured to accommodate 12 passengers 和 up to 20 suitcases. 它是为数不多的拥有四个起居空间的公务机之一, 齐全的厨房和专门的船员套房, while a st和-out feature of its award-winning cabin is the h和-crafted Nuage seating found throughout.

预定下一个租船 在庞巴迪环球7500飞机上.

6. 庞巴迪全球5500和6500 - 0马赫.9(时速690英里)

配备强大的珍珠15劳斯莱斯BR700发动机, 环球5500和6500的速度非常快, boasting the same maximum speed as Dassault’s 猎鹰7 x 和 8X but with a higher maximum cruising speed of Mach 0.88.

的 major differences between these two large private jets is their size 和 range. 6500的最大射程为6,千海里, 而5500是5,900 nautical miles – still long enough to complete long-haul flights like London to 香港 和 New York to São Paulo. 两者都拥有业界领先的内饰,配有现代化的设施和航空电子设备, 6500是首批配备站立式淋浴的私人飞机之一.

BG大游集团的团队 今天租一架庞巴迪环球5500或6500飞机.

7. 达索猎鹰7X和8X - 0马赫.9(时速690英里)

最大运行速度为0马赫.9, 猎鹰7 x 和8X是市场上最多功能的公务机之一. 8X是流行的7X的现代衍生产品,具有更好的范围, 更长的客舱,更新的引擎和航空电子设备.

两种内饰都具有优越的隔音和宽阔的布局, with four seats in a club formation at the front 和 a four-seat conference/dining area in the middle. 背面通常包括至少一个长沙发, while two divans can combine to create a large lie-flat double bed at night. 的re’s also a modern galley at the front 和 an enclosed lavatory at the rear. 

7X和8X目前可以包租. 跟我们团队的人谈谈 今天.

8. 庞巴迪环球6000 - 0马赫.89(683英里/小时)

被称为 环球快递XRS 直到2011年更名, the Global 6000 offers excellent short-field capabilities 和 can fly for up to 12 hours.

Its large cabin has plenty of space 和 ample legroom for up to 17 passengers. 典型配置可容纳14人, 有两套带会议桌的俱乐部座位, 船尾休息室船尾休息室或卧室, 一个完整的厨房和一个封闭的厕所.

预定下一个租船 庞巴迪环球6000的飞机.

9. 湾流G550 - 0马赫.885(679英里/小时)

湾流G550 was released back in 2003 和 is still one of the world’s fastest private jets. 达到了0马赫.885马赫,但最高商业巡航速度是0马赫.881, allowing for fast city-to-city flights such as London to Tokyo 和 Washington to Dubai without the need for stop-overs.

这架宽敞的喷气式飞机最多可容纳8人,最多可容纳19人, 虽然典型配置可容纳12至16名乘客. 尽管它已经服役很久了, the G550 features the modern technology expected on a private jet – seats have personal audio/visual displays 和 cabin settings can be controlled via a smartphone app.

预定下一个租船 乘坐湾流G550私人飞机.

10. 达索猎鹰2000LXS - 0马赫.862英里(661英里)

2000系列的最新版本 达索猎鹰2000LXS 拥有令人印象深刻的远程能力和近场表现. 它的最高速度为0马赫.862,以马赫巡航时航程4000海里 .80.

虽然其中一些喷气式飞机可以搭载19名乘客, most used for charters are typically configured for eight to 12 people with a large cabin that’s easy to move around during a flight. Falcon interiors are renowned for their quietness 和 the 2000LXS is two decibels quieter than the preceding 2000LX. 即使在巡航时, noise onboard only reaches the equivalent of a conversation at home or a running refrigerator.

了解更多 关于租一架达索猎鹰2000LXS.


还有许多其他私人飞机的速度超过了0马赫.8(614英里/小时). 达索猎鹰900B及其 升级 最高速度是0马赫.84, while Embraer’s Praetor 500 is one of the fastest (和 fastest-flying) midsize jets on the market with a top speed of Mach 0.83.

同样的道理也适用于 比奇豪客4000它的最大航程为3100海里,最高速度为0马赫.82. 最后,庞巴迪的Learjet 75可以达到0马赫.81号,以其高空巡航而闻名.

联系 今天我们团队的一个人包租了一架高速私人飞机.

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